Conference fee:
- 350 EUR (covers costs for 2-nights accommodation, full pension for 2 meeting days)
- 250 EUR (covers costs for 1-nights accommodation, full pension for 2 meeting days)
- 150 EUR (covers costs for full pension for meeting days)
Payment Information:
Bank address: Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
Account name: Konferencia v Smoleniciach – Mier 2025
IBAN: SK81 8180 0000 0070 0068 1071
Notes for receiver: „name of the conference participant„
In case of conference fee payment for more than one participant, please specify in notes for receiver the names of conference participants. The conference fee is non-refundable. The tax document for the payment of the conference fee will be provided on the day of conference opening.